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Welcome to CRAVING SOUL. I’m thrilled you’re here, because I have so much I want to share with you. I’m here to make a life out of what I love, and what I love is cooking. I am passionate about Cooking and baking, and I truly believe that passion is relayed back to my readers through the my recipes that I post. Explore my site, and all that I have to offer; perhaps CRAVING SOUL will ignite your own passions too.

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Spaghetti with chicken meat sauce

Spaghetti with chicken meat sauce


500 gm minced chicken

olive oil

1 medium onion

4 cloves garlic

1 small bell pepper, diced

1 8oz can dice tomatoes

1 6 oz can tomato paste

1 tsp dry oregano

1 tsp dry basil

1 tsp salt

½ tsp black pepper crushed

1 tsp chili flakes


  1. Heat the water in Large pot add salt and cook spaghetti to 10 minutes and drain completely.

  2. heat the oil in a non-stick pan, add garlic and onions and sautéed till it turns light brown.

  3. Add diced bell pepper, diced tomatoes, mix and cook on high heat till tomatoes turn soft.

  4. Add tomato paste, mix and cook for 2 minutes.

  5. Add dry oregano, dry basil, black pepper crushed and chili flakes, mix well and cook.

  6. Add sugar and salt as per taste, mix well and cook till the oil start leaving the side.

  7. Add minced chicken, mix well and cook on high heat for 3-4 minutes.

  8. Add some water to cook chicken completely, mix well. Add boiled spaghetti and mix well.

  9. Served with in plate and top with parmesan cheese.

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